Backwards and Forwards Through Raindrops

Dreams cascade like tumbling moments waiting to be captured

Watching through the rain, my mind wanders between each drop

Stillness awaits, layers of air gently rest one upon another in comforting silence

I lie in anticipation, waiting for a gentle nudge to be awakened

My backwards and forwards share the same footsteps, following me wherever I go

Hope and Nostalgia

Without paper

I write on brick walls

Etching thoughts through tired fingertips

Flowing words curve as if lured by invisible stencils

Hugging downward sloping lyrics

Enough momentum to seek the afternoon sun

Hope and nostalgia coupled in a dance

In perfect harmony, trading leads between them

Continuing on like this, over and over

Thirsting for a never-ending symphony

Not wanting to hear the last note fade

A Warm Taste Radiates

Staring at the sun

Feeling the burn in my eyes

I look away to blank canvas walls

To find emerging shapes suspended in mid-air, floating

Outlined in muted silence

A warm taste radiates, piercing through the lines

Face to face, holding it’s gaze, I inhale

Holding it’s life deep within my lungs

Pausing at the burn

Not wanting to exhale

Benign Release

Encased in its hardened shell, it grows

Patience and time it’s lifeblood

Sitting in silence, waiting not wanting

No rush for air or breath of light


Layer upon layer in time

A pearl of a different making

Not dangled on necks nor lobes

Weighing heavy, out of sight


Carved out, released from hiding

Scars left behind in its wake

Benign whispers lay softly down

Dripping reminders of another day

Rhythm of Leaving

After wandering for lifetimes

Letting cracked rear view mirrors shatter and scatter in the wind

No longer looking for rays of light from underneath closed doors

Finding a place to come back to

Even before that place discovered

Creating a rhythm of leaving then coming back, leaving then coming back

A return to the comfort of stillness

Until the whisper of restlessness calls my name once more

The Essence of Your Voice

I teeter as I walk the line

The wind of your voice unstables each step

I stumble, barely catching myself before the fall

And I begin to realize the gap between our last glance widens with each breath

Still, the essence of your voice lingers, never to be erased

Never Scratching the Surface

The fog of my days searching for light

The darkness of my nights seep through cracks into my days

Overlapping suggestions and impressions coexist

The “can’t seem to remembers”

Mix with “unable to forgets”

Remembering a thousand different ways

Never scratching the surface

A Slow Churn

Without notice

A moment becomes a linger

A slow churn turns while standing perfectly still

Flickering lights catch my ear

Causing wandering eyes to turn

But sauntering gazes move slowly

And connections sometimes are never met

Gone, as if never appeared

The emptiness of blown candles in the air

Silence remains in its wake

Yet I am certain it was there